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Re: Newbie structured wiring question

  • Subject: Re: Newbie structured wiring question
  • From: "martinchambers17" <MartinLChambers@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 17:17:24 -0000

Stuart, thanks for your reply. I asked the folks at CRIS and they
confirmed the IP module would not fit in their cabinet.

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@s...> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 09:14:02PM +0100, Martin Chambers wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have just started wiring a my self-build house and it's come to
decision time re the structured wiring. My current thinking is to
adopt the Cris system as I want to keep costs down. However, their
audio setup differs quite a bit from, say, IPHomenet. Cris has
speaker wire to+from in-room volume control with separate IR
receivers connected with cat5. IPHomenet uses cat5 to in-room volume
control which also incorporates IR receiver - which appears neater.
My main question is, can I mix and match? i.e. will the IPHomenet
audio hub fit into the Cris cabinet? A secondary question is, are
both systems pushing the same signal to their respective volume
controls (which both include amplifiers) or are they doing things a
different way?
> >
> > tia Martin
> Hi Martin,
> I can't give you any specific advice on either of the systems you
mention, but hopefully this reply will prompt some of the users to
pipe up :-)
> I seem to remember that the IPHomenet is NOT 19" rackmount, but
is 19" if you see what I mean? Because of this I would doubt you
could mount it in a Cris cabinet, that's assuming they are
19" rack cabs too.
> Have you searched the ukhe archive at ? It's
definatly this list where I read the above.
> Failing that, email the suppliers direct and ask them ...
> --
> -S

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