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Speed-up for none BB users

This might be interesting to all you troglodites out there (Like my=20
poor self) who are unable to get BB yet or in the foreseeable future.

I have signed up for ONSPEED (.com) - this is a neat system which=20
claims to speed up your connection - naturally this is impossible,=20
but it does work.  It downloads the web page/document/image etc. you=20
want to its servers and tehn compresses it - beams it to your PC=20
down the analog/64K line and their software decompresses it - it all=20
happens invisibly.

You can select speed vs quality but I am finding sites load in about=20
1/3 of the time - there is a quality loss (especially in low quality=20
graphics/images that have already been compressed) but it can be=20
turned off and download the page fully.

It costs =A325 a year and you can cancel it if you don't like it.

No connection with the company, just a new user....


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