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Re: Bargin Alert!!!!

  • Subject: Re: Bargin Alert!!!!
  • From: "ianh1000" <ianh1000@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 15:23:02 -0000

Does anyone know what the slot in the BT unit could be used for? it=20
must be there for something....

Does anyone have the BT unit working with a TIVO? I have both but=20
have not tried to get them working together yet.=20

Many thanks

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Des Gibbons" <des@f...> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Ward, David [mailto:DAvid.Ward@s...]
> >
> > Thanks Des
> >
> > Thought it was worth bringing up after the posts about topupTV
> >
> Indeed it was!
> You can't get callerid, and topuptv in the same box, silly really.
> And =A380 or thereabouts for the CAM slot is a bit ott too :/
> Cheers, Des.

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