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RE: Bargin Alert!!!!

Thanks Anthony.  If Freeview had Sky1 and E4 I'd be able to ditch the Sky
box, but I don't suppose that'll happen anytime soon.

There's a few MA101's on eBay going cheap; how can you tell which rev it
Just from the label?
-----Original Message-----
From: anthony.kirrane@xxxxxxx [mailto:anthony.kirrane@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 22 April 2004 13:58
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: {Spam?} [ukha_d] Bargin Alert!!!!

I love mine.  The caller Display is particularly agreeable to the missus.
High score on the WAF scale for me at least.  The unit does say it supports
the Netgear MA101 WiFi among others.  I bought one and guess what it
work!  I called BT and was informed that only the MA101 Rev. A. works and
mine which is the Rev. B..  Probably a palm off so I am doing some more
research.  I am using an indoor aerial and it picked up 69 channels of TV
Radio.  Excellent picture on all channels.  Occasionally it has gone blocky
but not very often.  Just cancelled my cable on the back off it.  I was
paying =A330 a month for a load of channels and the only thing that ever
watched was CBeebies.  That is on Freeview so big saving there for me.  I
will miss MTV Base and the occasional good thing on National Geographic but
not enough to warrant the expense of cable in these lean contracting years.
I am in the process of digging out a USB to Ethernet adapter to try that
instead of the WiFi route.  I will let you know how I get on.  The keyboard
works fine for me from a sofa to TV distance of about 5 metres.  It does
a built in modem which was a bonus because I did not realise that when I
bought it.  I have been on the web via that and the sites I looked at
well; Microsoft, Google, Netgear.  A bit weird navigating with a joystick
tab key but I don't really intend to do much browsing on the TV.  One thing
am disappointed about is the Infra Red signal it uses.  It must be the same
as my PACE cable box.  I am sending the picture around the house via
DigiSender units.  The infra red does not relay through them so I presume
has something like the IrDA signal like the PACE box and my DigiSender
does not relay that.  The caller display is really cool.  You can assign a
name and picture to the number and that pops up on screen when the phone
rings.  All in all though so far it is proving to be one of my favourite
gadget purchases.  It works which is a lot more than I can say for my X10
arrrgghhhhhh!!!!!  I think it was a bargain.

Anthony Kirrane
Application Services
BT Syntegra
Waterloo Lane
Tel: 01245-458070

-----Original Message-----
From: White, Peter [mailto:peter.white@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 22 April 2004 12:55
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: {Spam?} [ukha_d] Bargin Alert!!!!

So for all those lucky people that were allowed to buy one (I'm still
working on SWMBO), are they any good?  I mainly mean from the web surfing
point of view - are there load of sites that can't be accessed (I think the
old Bush STB's had issues with some sites), does the Ether->USB work
flawlessly, and is the keyboard range good (i.e. from sofa to TV!).  Also,
is it easy enough using the keyboard/remote combo to navigate, as opposed
have an trackball on the kb?

Sorry for all the questions, just need to build up my ammo!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian D. Wlloughby [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 15 April 2004 13:04
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: {Spam?} [ukha_d] Bargin Alert!!!!

Hi Folks,
I have just bought one of these
after a
collegue raved about it. It has a full HTML browser, a media player that
works with MP3's, optical SPDIF output and has USB so can be linked to a
broadband network and external disks and it is only =A365!!!!

It is basically a Netgem i-player see


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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