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Re: Help - Transparent Proxy problem effecting Slim Server streaming (NTL)

  • Subject: Re: Help - Transparent Proxy problem effecting Slim Server streaming (NTL)
  • From: "David Buckley" <db@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:58:20 -0000

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Kevin Hawkins" <lists@u...> wrote:

> has been suggested I change the http proxy and this
> worked getting around another 'known' problem but SlimServer
> does not have a settable proxy

> So is there a way around this by installing say my own local
> proxy that then redirects all my 'port 80' traffic elsewhere to
> a second configurable proxy for my whole LAN


Change the gateway setting on the slimserver to a machine (or more
specifically, an interface on a machine) that will act as your local
proxy, rather than configured to go to the vigor.  Then all network
traffic going to elsewhere than your local lan will go via that

Thens the question of what to do next.  Its a little confusing.

I'm assuming its audio traffic thats bust, rather than the web
traffic.  And what you are trying to avoid is transparent proxies on
NTLs lan.  Not easy.

Lets be devious.

Probably the easiest approach is to VPN the stuff across NTL to
avoid the proxies, but where can you VPN it to?  You need to
terminate the VPN outside of NTL-ville, and you need to be able to
handle the bandwidth, which probably means terminating in someone
elses non-NTL ADSL connection, without any security compromises to
either party.

So to VPN you need a couple of VPN routers (more vigors!), one at
yours, one at a mates (or the mother in laws or whatever), but all
your NAT settings need to be at the "far" router.

Looks do-able, almost easy.

If you dont just use a mates or M-i-L, watch out for a connection
that charges by bandwidth, as you'll get hammered!

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