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FW: Re: [OT] - HELP PLEASE we've been hacked.

  • Subject: FW: Re: [OT] - HELP PLEASE we've been hacked.
  • From: "Ali Watkins" <ukha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 19:10:33 +0100


Sorry.. maybe I misunderstood?  I understand that proper services should
come at a proper price, I am a great believer in the old "you get what
you pay for" adage. But when it comes to securing a windows box on the
end of a private DSL line hosting pages just for yourself I think a DIY
job does fine.... unless there is something mission critical on the
box... which there shouldn't be!

Maybe I misunderstood the original idea?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Lowe [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 14 April 2004 17:10
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: [OT] - HELP PLEASE we've been hacked.
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Alistair Watkins [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
> >I dont think you *have* to spend cash to make yourself more
> there
> >are plenty of *free* (as in speach, not lunch) tools about that
> run
> >on windows and help you... there is also plenty to read online
> I disagree...
> IT Done cheap is IT Done bad. always, and never more so than with
> security.
> There's a distinct difference between paying way over the odds for a
> consultant to sit there and oooh and aaaah whilst the meter runs, and
> employing a company with a good background in security to have a check
> over your systems. Seriously - it's money well spent.
> It's a malady of British Industry, I fear - people don't want to spend
> the money, and IT systems seem to be okay until the problems are
> forcibly brought home - whether it's a security breach, data loss
> through having no reliable backups, whatever.
> I'd take this as a narrow escape - you (seem to have) got away with
> having the web server compromised, do the right thing, get someone
> that you can get references for, with the appropriate certifications
> from people like checkpoint, and get your systems checked out.
> Advice from a list like this simply cannot compare to building a
> relationship with an IT supplier you can trust and getting some expert
> backup.
> Ian.
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