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Re: Recommended minimum security for making a PC accessible over the Internet...?

Hi fond lezz

my advice would be if you have to have a port open make sure you keep upto
date with any known vunrabilites in the server (or client) thats has that
port open.

Keep *and review* logs of connections, and keep your eye out for anything
suspicious and investigate (my firewall emails these to me).

Use strong passwords and change them regularly.  its probably better to
have something long and random (Dd4G44lk1xa) and keep it written down
somewhere safe than having something in a dictionary (eg home or even

top tip, be careful what you have open and remember yor firewall can have
vunrabilities too!

(knows nothing on the subject but thinks he cant be far wrong?)

fondlezz said:
> Hi all,
> Following on from Dean's unpleasant ordeal, I was wondering just how
> much security is needed/recommended for the standard home user who
> makes a PC accessible over the internet.
> I, as I imagine quite a few others do, have a "server" at
home which
> I can connect to for various things (FTP, HomeVision, Slimp3 etc.).
> At present, I have no added security other than what is provided by
> my router and the applications themselves.
> The only precaution I do take is that I only open ports as and when I
> need them - i.e. the only port left permanately open is the remote
> management port of the router which lets me open/close the other
> ports as required.
> Should I be doing more...? (I know that's a "yes" already
> What do you guys recommend...?
> Thanks,
> Andy.
> P.S. Dean, I hope you get it all sorted... :o)
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