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Re: A Handheld for the Networked Home

I have used AMX kit before. They are beautifully made and feel=20
expensive. AMX say they manufacture to "military" standards
parent co. is a defence contractor).
My friend has it on his boat (47 meters with 6 state-rooms)for music=20
and cinema applications.
The on-screen buttons, pop-up / roll-out menus and icons are lovely -
they are the only thing that lobby products lack IMHO. It's really=20
cool/ useful to touch an icon or button and have it expand (without=20
changing screen layout) to reveal options or a transport panel and=20
then tuck back in when done.

The touch screens all work with proprietry back-end=20
hardware/software. Very little software or hardware compatibilty=20
with other products apart from the usual rs-232 bi-directional comms=20
with AV and lighting products and pretty standard IR remote=20
emulation. The programing of these units - i.e laptop with serial=20
link into AMX control units - must be done by trained and accredited=20
installers. AMX does not give the "programing" capabilty to end-
users, they insist that all sales MUST include installation and=20
config. So I don't think it fits with the needs/wants of the typical=20
member of this group.

Then there is the price. Average 12" touch setup will set you back=20
circa =A37,500 for screen and control gear - the installation is on=20
top of that. More money if you want a video feed (SVideo or comp.)=20
into the touch screen.

It is apt to compare it with a Ferrari for those with a high=20
disposable income who do not care to get involved with how it works -
just want it look good, be flash and exclusive, and have it work=20
every time - all the time.
The market is there for these products (or else they'd be out of=20
business) but I don't think it is particularly aimed at the HA / DIY=20


--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Paul Gale" <groups@s...> wrote:
> Ok, ok - I'll wait to be converted - anyone bringing one to UKHA=20

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