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Re: Sky+ Confirmation Of Charges Dropped

I've got 2 Sky+ boxes.  If I take them up on this deal I wonder if they'll
drop the second box £10 Sky+ subscription?  If they did it would mean I'd
only have to pay £12 per month for a fully subscribed second box - not bad
I'll save a bundle :o)
I'm ringing them tomorrow.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kenneth Watt <kwatt@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: 21 September 2003 09:59
Subject: [ukha_d] Sky+ Confirmation Of Charges Dropped

Well given the threads running on this I decided to call up Sky and get the
scoop. It is correct that from 1st October this year if you have,
a package that costs more than £30 a month the £10 charge is not made.

So, having the Family Pack ATM it cost me (IIRC) £19 PCM for the package
a further £10 PCM for Sky+, which makes the Movie World (or sports pack if
you like that sorta thing) a total no-brainer at £33 PCM for all the movies
and the Sky+ service included.

I have to admit that on this occasion it appears that Sky have indeed come
through for the customers and given them excellent value for money.

Pity that Sky+ isn't as good as TiVo software wise, well I *had* to get a
dig in somewhere you know! ;)


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