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RE: Baby's first PC

Quoting Sean <groups@xxxxxxx>:

> I remember seeing a keyboard that was color coded years ago but I
> find it on the net.

There are a few around. have two - the
"JumboBoard" with
larger keys in upper and lower case varieties, and the kidboard, which is a
normal keyboard, colour coded but not lower case, and a mere £29+VAT
instead of
£75+VAT - bargain.

I went for the kidboard, (,
as someone pointed out that schools tend to have normal keyboards only, and
this is just a bit more fun for the boys.
I _may_ end up switching to a lowercase one at some point if I think it
help their reading, but at this stage, they probably won't really need the
keyboard anyway....

> I spent ages looking for a small mouse for my 3 year old daughter. I
> finally found one in Asda at Havant of all places. It's a Fellowes

I have ordered one of these from dabs:
small, optical, RF wireless - not a very "fun" product, but seems
to be exactly
what I need in terms of functionality.

Since the keyboard I ordered is chorded, I have also ordered an extension
to keep it as far from the actual PC as possible,

> HTH & let us know how you get on (pictures !!)

Just waiting for all the bits to arrive now, but you'll have seen the
and mouse if you follow the links above!

The case will be this one:

This case is _very_ small and will only take laptop style CD drives.  I
about this and most laptop drives I have seen are very flimsy, and whilst
slot loading ones are better, they only invite naughty children to insert
things other than CD's.  That coupled with the price of said drives being
roughly equivalent to the cost of this:, it seemed to
make more sense to go with the external option because the drive only needs
be present when installing software, and it might come in handy having an
external burner anyway.....

Thanks everyone for their suggestions.


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