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RE: Baby's first PC

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Baby's first PC
  • From: "Tony Butler" <lists@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 05:18:43 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


> last week she came into the office and announced - 'Daddy,
> for Christmas, I've decided I want my own computer....' She
> is her fathers daughter.... :)

LOL, nice - start em young.  Has she got a credit card yet? :)

> Some thoughts...
> The small laptop mice are just perfect for kids, but watch

Yeah, ordered RF USB one from dabs.

> The Beebs websites at are fantastic.
> As are and others, lots of very simple
> games for the youngsters to play.

Ta, will look.

> It may seem obvious, but autologin to a trimed down user
> account, no admin/root access, lots of stuff ripped out of
> program start menus etc. - you'll be surprised how much
> damage they can do once they
> get the hang of it!

Yes to no admin etc (SWMBO doesn't even get that!).  Dunno about the
autologin though - am toying with the idea of letting them have their
own environments to log into (no passwords) so click on the icon and
you're in with own background, sounds etc vs they r too young, let em
get used to the basics first :)

Will probably remove all except IE, whatever proggies we install for
them, and terminal services client so SWMBO can control main PC upstairs
to check her email via outlook.....
Does anyone know if Remote Desktop client works under XP home.  I know
XP home cannot be controlled via RD, but dunno if it can actually do the
controlling or not.....



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