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Re: Multiple monitors in windows

Ian Lowe wrote:

> Both Jen and I run a 22" iiyama and a 15" LCD, I use a
G-force 4 twinhead,
> and Jen uses a Geforce2 and a seperate PCI voodoo 3 Card.

> I find I can't swing video from one screen to another without
> video overlay on primary display only :( whereas Jen has no problems..
> think the nvidia twinhead cards are to be avoided...

My GF2MX card has that problem with some apps, basically it needs to
the overlay surface when it gets dragged, WMP9 seems to be good at
multimonitors. Also overlays will not span the screens, so what my mate did
2 800x600 projectors to get a seemless 1600x600 desktop will not work for
playback. It worked with really old drivers tho, before it was true
(The startbar spanned the 2 screens etc)

> that being said, I hate working on systems without the screenspace :(

I prefer one CRT in a decent res, as I can put things anywhere rather thn
an artificial barrier between the 2. I would love for a really wide
(16:7 maybe?) which is almost 2 beside each other, its the width you need,
the height. I actually found myself at work kicking the machine into
mode and winding thevsize down to make a letterboxed type display to get
width without losing the refresh rate.

> Paul, hows the 3D performance on the parhelia? have you run a 3DMark
> benchmark on it? reason I ask: I would *love* to go 3-way, but I need
a fair
> bit of 3D grunt on my main display for the gaming ;)

Quite disappointing from the sites I have read, its an aged card now too.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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