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Re: Want a quiet life? Ditch your HA gadgets!

Poor excuse.. why didn't you have a UPS/generators standing by? hehehe.

On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Tony Butler wrote:

> It's a rarity, but last nite our road had a very brief brief power cut
> 2:30 am.
> How do I know this?
> Power goes off.  All burglar alarms in the area think a burglar has
cut the
> mains wiring so they start going off :(
> Power comes back on - my doorbell (aka X10 chime) rings and the
> lights all come on :-((
> Why god why do manufacturers have stupid power on defaults???
> Okay, the alarms are fair enough, but why make an X10 chime well,
chime, when
> power is applied for the 1st time & why do futronix lighting
controllers come
> on when power is applied for the 1st time?
> SWMBO was NOT amused. :(
> Nor was I come to that ;)
> Lets go back to candles, door knockers and keeping an eye out for
> suspicious eh?  Would make for a far quieter life :D
> T.

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