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Re: wiring question (x10 related)

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Paul Gale" <groups@s...> wrote:
> I ran new T+E from every light switch (and newly added ones beside
the beds in master and main guest rooms) straight up into 3 54 din
way enclosures in the loft. Lots of new wiring. I incorporated this
new wiring into the existing scheme (with the help of an electrician
friend - although he knew nothing about X10).

54way !!!
Boy they must be big !

I am totally rewiring so not really necessary to incorporate with
existing (except for existing switch and socket positions).

> - Finally (for now ;-] ) did you run your
>   ring and power wiring seperate from lighting, or
>   switch drops seperate from the light feeds ?
>   (I'm wondering if there may be potential
>   cross-talk problems that I've not catered for...)
> Kept lighting circuits totally separate from ring main (as you
should do) with separate breakers at consumer unit.

I fully intend to have a master CU with breakers and feeds
to sub-enclosures with the x10 bits in, so they will be
seperated from this pointof view.

What I meant was when running the cable around the house
(through holes in joists etc).

The old wiring though had ring and lighing feeds all runing
along the joists together, and sharing holes when running at
right angles to the joists.
Is this still okay, or would I be better toseprate them...


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