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Re: Power cut problem or more X10 woes?

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Power cut problem or more X10 woes?
  • From: "alcinababe" <alcinababe@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2003 08:18:38 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Keith Doxey" <ukha@d...> wrote:
> The fluorescent flicker is easy to explain.
> The triac in the socket rocket has probably got a "snubber"
it. This
> is a resistor and capacitor in series to help minimise interference.
A side
> effect of a snubber is that a very small current will trickle
through it at
> all times.

Poo! :( This means if I use a fluourescent in this socket rocket I
will get flicker.  Full Stop.  But....a thought occurs....the old
socket rocket *doesn't* flicker with a fluourescent bulb, thus
implying it doesn't have the thingumy doobrie across the triac.  And
if I recall what you wrote before about my incandescent bulbs taking
out the triac every time they blew, perhaps this "snubber" is to
protect the triac, so it *won't* blow when the bulb blows?  Perhaps
this new socket rocket will be fine with an incandescent, thus I don't
need to use the fluorescent?  That would be cool! :)

> The X10 black hole is more difficult to explain if you havent
connected up
> anything new since your holiday.

Nope.  Well...actually....the new socket rocket, but I'd established
it wasn't working before I put the new socket rocket in - it replaced
the none responding am12 that was controlling a lamp on the landing.
(the same am12 works downstairs).

> Its possible that the CM12 has been damaged and the signal being
> is not as strong, or some other piece of equipment has been damaged
> surge that probably occured at power failure or restoration[*]. Try
> unplugging variuos bits of kit and see if everything starts working

The plot has thickened....I hadn't noticed (doh!) that when I was
switching the lights on and off to experiment with the fluorescent
versus incandescent bulbs, I was doing so with the remote control.
When the computer goes to switch on/off the lights, nothing happens.
It logs the event and seems to send the signal to the CM12 with no
problems, but da lights dey no come on!

remote -> tm13 -> cm12 -> socket rocket is ok but
computer -> cm12 -> socket rocket is not ok.
So it's looking like the computer interface...but...
computer -> cm12 -> am12 (so long as it's downstairs) is ok
computer -> cm12 -> the same am12 upstairs is not ok.

Haven't had chance to set the remote up for the am12 yet.  Had to come
out to work!  My kit has but 4 days of warranty left...

Unfortunately I wasn't in when the power was restored so I wouldn't
know if stuff went bang...but I would have expected a bang to trip a
fuse, and none tripped.  The puzzling thing is that all the separate
pieces work somewhere/somehow, just not everywhere/all ways!  And
there's no logic to it! :(


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