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Re: [OT] Linux and HDD problems

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Paul Gale" <groups@s...> wrote:
> I have a dual Pentium II Xeon 400 machine running Zone Minder
(latest build). I've got Mandrake Linux 9.1 (Linux version
2.4.21-0.13mdksmp) running. After a couple of days, the machine
crashes and I get the following errors:
> EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,1)) in ext3_get_inode_write : IO failure
> EXT3-fs error (device ide0(3,1)) : ext3_get_inode_loc : unable to
read inode block =96 inode =3D 607535, block 1212496
> I thought it was a HDD failure but I scanned the drive using a WD
utility that scans all blocks and it came up clean. Is it likely to be
the drive or OS / software? Is there a better low level disk checker
out there that can aggressively test the disk?

Can't help with sofware, but as soon as someone mentions "hard
and "I/O error" I immediately suspect a Fujitsu at play!  What
and model is the hard drive itself?  If it's a Fujitsu drive with the
model number beginning MPG (and occasionally MPF) then it's probably
got one of the many faulty Fujitsu drive controllers.  The usual
symptom is innumerable I/O errors (If you were running Windows you'd
get "Can't write to drive C") then suddenly....da drive
whatsoever.  Over the last year I've had to replace over 300 of the
little blighters, and there are still loads around...failing.  If it
*is* a Fujitsu MPG/F drive backup now and change the drive asap.


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