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Re: Re: [OT] Ebay non delivery

To be honest, I had this happen to me, and the contact details were made
up too. The address didn't exist, and the phone number was unobtainable.

As well as claiming from ebay, keep records of all e-mails sent, bank
statements with payments on and take a copy of the auction in question
before ebay delete it from their system. These all help if the police get
involved as you will have to have plenty of evidence if it gets to court.

To be honest though, it all takes a long time - I was ripped off in
December 2001 and the court case is currently scheduled for February 2004.

I wouldn't give them any time to send goods - you pay enough for postage
and packing, and unless it states 28 days or something like that then it's
only courteous to reply to mails asking about delivery.

Don't expect much help from ebay though, although they pay up eventually
they don't really care and if the item cost more than £130 you will be out
of pocket.

> Under my ebay somewhere you can request the users address and
> contact details - it will send the end-user an email to let them
> know you've requested it but you can do it.

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