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Re: Re: Amp/speaker recommendations?

Quoting Keith Doxey <ukha@xxxxxxx>:
> > Is that really gonna be "quality" enough over 30m?
> Its NICE THICK COPPER. It will be fine. The only thing that will
> lessen the sound quality will be the acoustics of the showroom. If

okey doke.  I bow to your superior knowledge, master doxey ;)

> you want to spend a bit more then buy 2.5mm 3 core flex but it isnt
> neccessary. 1.5mm is rated at 15A and 100W into 8 ohms is only 3.5A
> so it is plenty thick enough, added to which, the average output
> level from the amp will probably be less than 20W if it is just for
> background music.

K, ta.  Do you think 100w is about right, or would smaller do (it's a
big showroom, but as you say, volumes will be fairly low).
Having problems finding reasonably priced stereo amps with that power.
A couple of hundred quid will get me a 40/60 watt stereo amp or an a/v
with 5x100W - go figure :/
Don't want a surround amp coz they tend not to sound so nice IME, for just

> > help!

> Hope that makes it clearer

damn, you are the MASTER of ascii art :)
Yes, the diagrams did help thanks, and had managed to figure it out in the



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