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Re: XBOX Questions?

Thanks guys, and thanks also for the off-list replies.

Basically, I used (or rather Sean used for me ;) ) the Mechassault savegame
exploit, rather than a modchip.

I grabbed a copy of the xDisk Mark posted a couple of days ago, and burned
it to cdr, which didn't work: a quick forum scan and I saw that this was
pretty much expected. I reburned the image on DVD-R, and similarly, no
response: xbox wouldn't read it.

Using FXP, I copied the apps folder from the xdisk across to the E Drive of
the xbox, and rebooted: all of the apps are visible in EvoX, but no matter
what I launch, I get the green screen of death.

The Pheonix/EvoX bootloader hoses the built-in DVD player too, so I edited
evox.ini to launch the old dashboard for DVDs, again, the original dash
causes a gsod.

I'm happy to have a bit of a poke around, but the current "touch
it crashes" response is a bit on the tricky side to work with ;)


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