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Re: Thermostat Hysterysis

Hi Dave / Dean
Was just trying to get on your site (Dave) to see if you had any thermostat
stuff for Dean but your site is down...Maybe an idea to to give a brief
explaination to Dean about the Can_Bus stuff ..

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave McLaughlin
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Thermostat Hysterysis

Hi Dean

Welcome to the world of the AVR.. Good choice.

Which compiler are you using, if any?

As for the hysterysis, I use about 2 degrees on my own designs and this
seems to work quite well. I too, couldn't find anything so just tried the
values myself and it worked out pretty good.

Hope this helps?

By the way, hooking up a DS18S20 to the AVR is dead simple. I have a simple
AT90S2313 with one hooked up to it and a Microchip MCP2510 CAN bus
controller. All it does is read the sensor and transmit this on the CAN
network. Took about 10 mins with the compiler to write the code (CAN bus
already done before hand) and it worked first time. Bit of an overkill
really but the idea is so simple and multiple sensors can exist on the same
network much like the 1-wire idea but much more robust.

Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Smith [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 04 October 2003 23:09
To: Ukha_D@Yahoogroups. Com
Subject: [ukha_d] Thermostat Hysterysis

I've just bought myself an AVR microcontroller dev board and have been
pleasantly surprised how easy the basics are such as LCD/Serial comms etc.

One project I've had in the back of my mind is how nice it would be to
an RS232 Thermostat so that I can vary the required temperature etc during
the day and night. Does anybody have any good links or info regarding the
typical hysterysis characteristics of a UK domestic heating thermostat ?
Much googling has given little of any use and other than this aspect it
would seem an ideal 1st choice for a "real" project......


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