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RE: Re: Help - Is my TiVo faulty?

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: Help - Is my TiVo faulty?
  • From: "Keith Doxey" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 21:20:45 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi guys,

Time for me to chip in after some experimenting :-)

According the the TiVo manual the AUX SCART is only an input.

People often advise that you RTFM.... in this case, ITFM
(IGNORE the ******* Manual)

I have just disconnected the SKY box and moved the TV SCART lead to the AUX

THE AUX SCART IS A COMPOSITE + STEREO OUTPUT despite what the book says.

Try cutting Pin 19 of the TiVo end of the Digibox SCART lead. That will
prevent the Tivo output from feeding back up the SCART leads and bleeding
onto the SKY signal.

The reason the "fault" disappears when the AUX button is pressed
is that the
output of Tivo and the output of the Digibox are EXACTLY the same whereas
normally you are either watching something totally different or almost real
time SKY delayed by a few seconds.

The apparent disappearance of the "fault" when TiVo is pause is
because the interference is then totally static and therefore less
than a moving image would be.

I used to suffer a similar problem between my Analogue SKY and VCR. Often I
would put the OnScreenDisplay on to see how much time was remaining which
would overlay it on the output of the VCR and not normally cause any
problems with the recording. However, if I was recording SKY there was
bleedthrough in the SCART lead and the OSD appeared faintly on the finished
recording. The rest of the picture was fine as the VRC was outputing the
same as it was receiving.

I dont believe your TiVo is faulty Steve, cutting Pin 19 should cure the

Hope that helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Austin [mailto:nick1@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 02 October 2003 19:45
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: Help - Is my TiVo faulty?
> Steve,
> Oh dear.  AFAIK the Aux Scart does not have any output pins,
> so snipping wires is unlikely to help.  Also if the fault is
> not present using the Aux button this too suggests that the
> Scart cabling is OK and there are no earth loops.
> Seems as though it's a TiVo internal problem.
> Nick.

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