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Re: Am I confused... Or is it broken??

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Am I confused... Or is it broken??
  • From: "mark_harrison_uk2" <mph@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 17:19:21 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


I used my TM12U _purely_ as an RF received. I never actually had any
load plugged into it.

When it receives an RF command, say from the SS13E it SHOULD be
transmitting an X-10 command onto the mains. Homevision should be
seeing that command without a problem.

If it isn't, somethings not right. Have you got an appliance module
you can ALSO set to P1? If so, when you hit "P1" on the SSE13,
the TM and the AM should switch on (you should hear the relays click
in each.)

On the "AM that won't turn off"... what is plugged into it? AMs
on if they think that there is an appliance that's just been switch
on... however, they can get confused by harder loads (especially
halogen lights) which still try to draw a current, causing the AM to
switch back on automatically.

I'm told that the experts can open up AMs, snip a connection, and
they won't do this any more. I would NOT do this myself... as anyone
who has ever seen me with a soldering iron will tell you, there is
good reason for this :-)



--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Clive Dilley" <clive.dilley@b...>
> Today I received a TM13U and SS13E. I am not sure if the TM13U
is "duff" or
> maybe I mis-understood how it works.
> I had assumed that the TM13U would work in exactly the same was as
a regular
> Appliance plug-in, but with the RF capability. My plan was to
replace an
> existing AM12 in the loft (for an outside light) with the new
TM13U. Control
> of the outside light would then be possible through the SS13E or
> Homevision as per the AM12.
> I set the TM13U to "P" and sure enough the SS13E worked like
treat for
> button 1.
> However I noticed that no signal was sent to Homevision to state
whether it
> was on or off (I assume that this is why you can poll its status -
but I
> have not tried this yet)
> Because the TM13U was set to "P", I had assumed that I could
control it via
> Homevision with a simple P1 OFF/ON command - but nothing happened.
I tried
> different house codes, but with out success.
> So have I mis-understood how the TM13U works - can it only operate
as an
> Appliance Module via RF?
> Whilst on the subject of "broken things".....
> I have a intermittent fault on a AW10U - in that it mainly stays on
and it
> difficult to switch off (either locally or via HV).Is there
something that I
> could possibly replace inside it? Any guides on how to fix a AM10U?
> Thanks
> Clive

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