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Re: Bigger WLAN?

----- Original Message -----
From: "mark_harrison_uk2" <mph@xxxxxxx>
> - He only has a single profile configured on his laptop / iPaq /
> tablets
> - He can roam about the place and never lose a connection
> - He restricts people who can access the WLAN

I'm hoping this isn't one of these CAT-5 Phobic installations ;)

Seriously, this environment is just *screaming* for a wired backbone
the APs..

I would suggest:

1) Fast Ethernet Switch: Connect a server directly to it (to provide

2) Spend some time figuring out the best placement of APs, to give complete
coverage throughout the house

3) Cable each point, and connect the APs together via the wired network

4) Set up WEP and  MAC Lists as you describe for each AP. (I don't know yet
of any kit that shares MAC lists between a set of infrastructure APs)

Basically, without a wired backhaul, You would be wasting a lot of
with the APs stomping on each other (as we saw at Hatfield: the AP in the
Main Room dropped the data rate for the BT OpenZone to nearly half its
normal value! when we tried to bridge initially!)

as always, just my 2c :)

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