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Re: ha server time problem

Sure can but the secret is in the code not the circuit. The parts came from
Maplin and are numbers MK68Y and MK72P which are the aerial and receiver
module totalling 25 quid. I looked into making these myself and it seems
there is no easy economic way of doing it so bite the bullet and buy them.
Once you have them connecting it all up is not too hard but read the rather
crap instructions as this helps. In use the modules are very sensitive and
will receive a signal where my bought atomic clocks will not ;-))

Once you have these parts you will need a 'thingy' I don't remember which
essentially converts the wimpy signal into 0 or 5v for a digital input.
Feed this into a micro and go from there into the program. I will look out
my notes on the circuit and post back soon. My code is fairly robust but
currently does debugging stuff when the signal fails. It is not for the
faint hearted either.

There is an RS232 module which may suit your needs but that is another 25
quid which is why I built my own PIC based decoder.



16/05/2003 19:14
Please respond to


To:       ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject:  Re: [ukha_d] ha server time problem

On Fri, 16 May 2003 13:38:08 +0100, you wrote:

>I have built an atomic clock receiver which currently outputs to an
>time I plan to get it to send xAP messages over serial to a PC for
>onto Ethernet or use by itself.

Could you share the details of your circuit? Thanks.

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