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RE: Re: We have created a monster....

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: We have created a monster....
  • From: "Keith Doxey" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 08:24:39 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> -----Original Message-----
> From: K. C. Li [mailto:li@xxxxxxx]
> Paul "MV1000" Robinson was probably too busy to notice
anything while
> attempting to spear the chips floating in a sea of vinegar. He
> accidentally unscrewed the top of the vinegar bottle instead
> of flipping
> the lid off and poured most of the content into his dinner plate!

That appears to be a common problem.

It seems that some of us can remember the old style Sarsons Vinegar Bottles
where you removed the cap to reveal a sprinkler cap underneath. At some
since I last used one of those, they have been redesigned to have a fliptop
cap revealing the sprinkler underneath.....Yes, I drowned my chips as

Successfully completed the "Desparate Dan" mixed grill despite a
fit of
explosive laughter whilst eating a corn-cob. The conversation at the end of
our table had turned into "Souveniers collected on nights out"
and someone
who shall remain nameless (unless they own up) mentioned ripping a sign off
a lamp-post to find it was still attached by a power cable. They decided to
take that as well and blacked out the street!!!!

One thing does puzzle me though.... the contents of the "Desparate Dan
Grill".... Steak, Chicken, Ribs and SALAD. I read the Dandy and Beano
extensively during my younger years and can recall no mention of Desparate
Dan eating Rabbit Food. Is this another case of political correctness gone

What a superb weekend it was although after two nights of not getting to
until about 3am I am feeling a bit knackered, luckily I decided to take
today off work as well. Nice to meet loads of new faces to put to names.

I think I managed to see most of the demos that I was interested in but it
was a very hectic time. I lost count of the number of KAT5 demos I did and
despite having taken a car load of stuff it still wasnt enough as bits kept
being "stolen" for the main presentations :-)

There is an awful lot of UKHA_D hardware and software development going on
and the next couple of years will bring some truly spectacular results.
impressed by David Buckley's "HomeBrain" hardware and Frank's
"FirM" units.
xPL and xaP have come a long way in recent months as well.

It is really good to be able to see these developments first hand and for
the developers to get feedback on the progress so far. It means that the
developers can ensure that their products are steered in the right
rather than releasing something that isnt quite right for what the intended
customers want.

Already looking forward to UKHA 2004 :-)
I hope that many of those unable to attend this years event will be able to
make it next year.



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