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RE: [OT] Monkey & Type-writers

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [OT] Monkey & Type-writers
  • From: "Pedro de Oliveira" <p.oliveira@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 10:37:39 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


I know what you said was meant in humor but I thought I would clear one
thing up.

Actually to get funding you first need a research proposal. In other
words, someone came up with the idea, then put it to the funding body
who thought it was a good idea and funded it.

I've nothing to do with the monkey experiment but being a researcher it
gets on my tits when people think researchers get funding and then
allocate it to stupid projects. The point is: the funding body thought
it was a good idea (personally I don't) and then funded it and not the
other way round.

Just my 2p.
Pedro (Researching ways of making vehicles safer for child pedestrians)

-----Original Message-----
From: Doogie Brodie [mailto:ukhad@xxxxxxx]

/me imagines the scene

Researcher 1: "You know that thing about infinite monkeys with
typewriters?" Researcher 2: "Yeah, we could investigate that to
stop us
doing work for
a while and get some silly funding"
Researcher 1: "Right, first we need to buy an infinite number of

and typewriters"
Researcher 2: "How much is an infinite number?"
Researcher 1: "Erm...... I seem to remember it's something to do with

or something"
Researcher 2: "We can't waste the fund on that many monkeys &
typewriters, what would we use to buy beer with?"
Researcher 1: "Well 4+2 is close enough, how many's that?"
Researcher 2:
"Erm........." Researcher 1: "*gets calculator* 6, yes, an
number of monkeys
and typewriters must be the same as 6 monkeys and typewriters"
Researcher 2: "Lets go to the pub"

Or something!


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