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RE: Redhat Was: Asterisk something

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 16:59, Mark J Cox wrote:
> > I don't think RH9 is fully stable yet. RH8 might be a better
choice for
> > now.
> Red Hat Linux 8.0 is only supported until the end of the year (no
> updates after that), so Red Hat Linux 9 is definately the best bet for
> anything new you're doing.  I've not had any problems installing it on
> random selection of my own machines/laptops though.  No matter which
> version make sure to keep it up to date with security errata though,
> subscribe to redhat-watch-list or use the Red Hat Network.

I usually stay away from Redhat, but lack of a stable Debian release
pushed me toward Mandrake a year or so ago, and when they started to
wobble (and when I needed to use it on my work machine) I went for
Redhat (8 at work, 9 on my lappy)

I was quite impressed actually, it found all my hardware, including the
Enterasys Roamabout card, the obly thing it missed was the Winmodem, but
then it would wouldn't it.

I have a little problem with it remembering which network device is eth0
and eth1 but other than that it's fine.

[For disclosure I don't work for Redhat]

[And by "lack of a stable release" I mean I couldn't get one]

Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@xxxxxxx>

On a child's superman costume: "Wearing of this garment does not
enable you to fly."

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