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Re: X10 RF Wall Switches

On Tue, 13 May 2003 20:09:47 +0100 (BST), you wrote:

>The TM13 is a replacement for the TM12. As far as RF is concerned, they
>are both similar with the older TM12 having a slightly longer receiving
>range due to its metal telescopic aerial. There are differences between
>the two. The TM12 is bigger, has a 13A latching relay like an AM12U
>as noisy) whereas the TM13 is the same size as an AM12U, has a
>non-latching quiet relay that can only handles 5A.

So your advice is to buy a tm12?


>No, most X-10 products use capacitive power supply circuits that can be
>made to work on 230V AC by changing a few critical components.

Is this done already on the products you supply with a uk plug?

For the ones with US plug, presumably I have to modify them myself?
What modifications have to be made? Do you supply this info with the


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