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RE: New thread, goodbye

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: New thread, goodbye
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 22:45:23 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> i hope you allow me the honour of my last post being submitted to the
> group.

Why should anyone object as Graham pointed out?

> i quit. i've had some good times here. i've bought a multitainer, a
> fuji tab, a turbonet etc etc but i've also had some bad times.
> there is a side to ukha that i just don't like, especially in the
> last few months. i once had a run-in with tim morris (which was
> resolved amicably) but now i totally understand how he feels. it just
> isn't worth it.

Okay, but then if hosting that you attacked had been a bulk buy hardware
item, would attack the person that organised the buy or feel that you had
justification in attacking an employee of Fujitsu because your tablet was
faulty? IMO it's the same thing really if only slightly different

For example, if I, as I have done and am about to do bring I a load of
SLIMP3's do I automatically become responsible for all those players, as to
me, that's what you were insinuating.

> chris has, imho, abused this group in the last year selling
> (whatever that may mean) service. everytime the topic turned to
> anything he could sell he answered it with <sales pitch>
followed by
> many !! - fine. that's his choice, but he should take some
> responsibility when it collapses.

Okay, so he promoted a good deal for the group, what's the problem with
that? As you said yourself, you have taken advantage of many of the offers
posted here in that past as well.

> anyway, i'm leaving - goodbye and thanks for all the bulk buys

I am actually sorry you feel that way and I would suspect that there's more
behind that than just this incident as to leave over such a petty thing
strikes me as a bit rash.

> (and no, i don't expect or want anyone to care)

Well that's where your wrong we do care and we try to balance all the views
and posts as best we can, sometimes that doesn't work for some people I
know, but we do the best we can.


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