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Re: Soundblaster question...

Thanks Simon.

I presumed that all the Audigy packs would use the same card, and just
provide different "other bits" to differentiate them... - would
make sense
for Creative to only make 1 variety of the base card...

Interstingly, I just dug an older SB-Live! card out of my spares bin, and
intriguingly, that also has the same expansion header on the back of the
card, labelled AUD_EXT, with the correct pin arrangement to fit the ribbon
cable supplied with thie Audigy drive...

What do you think the chances are it will work with it?

Paul G.

>From: "Musashi" <simonr@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Soundblaster question...
>Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 22:00:04 +0100
>Paul I had a similar situation with a SB Audigy EX box, bought from
>  bargain bin for 20 quid, I just bought an audigy retail soundcard and
>plugged it in and it all works fine. They all have the same headers on

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