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Re: New thread, goodbye

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: New thread, goodbye
  • From: "Graham Howe" <graham@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 21:04:38 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "john" <john@e...> wrote:
> ok, graham,
> i hope you allow me the honour of my last post being submitted to
> group.

You are not moderated so how can I stop you and anyway I have no
reason to stop you.

> i quit. i've had some good times here. i've bought a multitainer,
> fuji tab, a turbonet etc etc but i've also had some bad times.

I see no reason to quit, but it's up to you. I'm glad you've had
good times and sorry if you've had bad times.

> there is a side to ukha that i just don't like, especially in the
> last few months. i once had a run-in with tim morris (which was
> resolved amicably) but now i totally understand how he feels. it
> isn't worth it.

That's a real shame if you feel like that. I (and the other
moderators) only try to do what seems to be best for the group. We
can't please everyone all the time.

> chris has, imho, abused this group in the last year selling
> (whatever that may mean) service. everytime the topic turned to
> anything he could sell he answered it with <sales pitch>
> many !! - fine. that's his choice, but he should take some
> responsibility when it collapses.

I disagree, I don't believe he did abuse his position and certainly
neither you nor anyone else complained at the time.

> anyway, i'm leaving - goodbye and thanks for all the bulk buys
> (and no, i don't expect or want anyone to care)

Funnily enough I do care. I don't enjoy 'moderating' and I certainly
gain no satisfaction from causing someone to leave the group. I hope
you do stay, but it is up to you.


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