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RE: Plasma panels - what to choose?

Paul G wrote...

> Does the Panny have any fans / fan noise?
Not on mine (42"), but the 50" may be different.  Various
complaints on ( an excellent source for plasma advice) of buzzing from
the Panny's, but again, not on mine.

>Where are the various input sockets on the Panny?
On the back panel, facing down, about 3" from the edge of the bevel,
so all
cables can be plugged in an turned so they run along the back of the screen
without being visible.

>- I'd much rather have the VGA socket on the back
Same place.  The socketry depends on which card you buy with the panel, but
in all cases, apart from the tuner card (to link to the Panny tuner box),
the VGA port remains active.

Can't help with running a PC through it, sorry.


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