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Re: Asterisk progress

> > We also have a block of static IPv6 address allocated but
> >haven't found much use for them yet. With the staggering number of
> >addresses that we have been allocated
(18,446,744,073,709,551,616!), we
> >can assign a static IP address to almost every object in the whole
> In fact how do you say that number? SWMBO and I came up with:
> "Eighteen thousand, four hundred and fourty six trillion, and
then some"

<pedant mode>
Depends on whether you're using British/German or American/French
terminology. The British million
is 10^(1*6), billion 10^(2*6), trillion 10^(3*6), quadrillion 10^(4*6) etc
and the American million
10^(3+1*3), billion 10^(3+2*3), trillion 10^(3+3*3), quadrillion

So using British terminology the number is 18 trillion and then some, but
using American terminology
it is 18 quintillion and then some.

British media now seem exclusively to use the American system though. I
guess "thousand million" is
too cumbersome for them compared to "billion" for 10^9.
</pedant mode>

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