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Re: Asterisk progress

Hi Andy,

Good to hear about your progress in Asterisk.
I am very interested in this subject too ..:-)

> TTS (Festival - not actually worth it, dire to say the least)
What's that?

> Short dialing (I can dial FWD users with 8<fwd number> and it
dials <fwd
do you mean 8<fwd  number> is shorter that <fwdnumber>?..:-)

> Voicemail notification on phones and via email (email attaches message
Standard PSTN phones? How?

> I am thinking about either a single FXO card or probably (preferably)
mini gateway device (1 fxo, 2fxs is fine)
Do you think that Actiontec's USB InternetPhoneWizard (1xFXS,1xFXO) can be
used for such purpose?
I just ordered one in USA for about 40 USD...
I'm afraid that the FXO port is just switched to the FXS one when a regular
call must take place.
What about a standard voce modem used for the gateway?
There is Internet Line Jack available which works with somelinux
applications, but is much to expensive for me too (more than 250USD)...

> I'm using a mixture of softphones on PC's (3 x sjphone - seems to work
best for me) and hardphones (2 x Snom 100's).
Have you tried X-Lite?
It has G.723 too, which is a very good codec for not so hi QoS lines, as
ours. Sometimes when G.711 failed to offer a good conversation quality,
G.723 everything was perfect. Unfortunately, good hardware phones like
7960 does not support G.723 and G.729 is a proprietary codec which is not
available for free. (Cisco ATA-186 supports G.723 and works very well).

Please keep us informed about your progress..It is a very nice and
interesting subject.

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "UKHA" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 3:05 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] Asterisk progress

> Hi folks,
> I just thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on with * since I last
posted about it. Currently I have the following features working in a SIP
<-> SIP environment.
> Ring multiple devices at the same time or ring 1 device and if no
ring another, if still no answer go to voicemail
> Ring, on no answer or busy divert to Voicemail
> Call parking and retrival
> Call pickup
> Call transfers
> Speaking clock (snigger)
> TTS (Festival - not actually worth it, dire to say the least)
> Voicemail notification on phones and via email (email attaches message
> Short dialing (I can dial FWD users with 8<fwd number> and it
dials <fwd
> I'm going to start looking at queueing (sp) calls next. I haven't
any PSTN <-> SIP stuff as I don't have access to any hardware like
that. I
am thinking about either a single FXO card or probably (preferably) a mini
gateway device (1 fxo, 2fxs is fine) simply because of the location of
sockets in the house would make it easier to use something like that. atm I
can't really afford anything like that - 306 quid is a lot (VOIP-EL400 -
providing it can use SIP) when you are unemployed..
> I'm using a mixture of softphones on PC's (3 x sjphone - seems to work
best for me) and hardphones (2 x Snom 100's).
> Li, if you're interested it just getting it up and running for a test
let me know, I'll be glad to help, Sadly I wont be at UKHA2003 (which would
have been a good place to chat about it). If you have a sip phone set up
(not using FWD!) you can call me at andy@xxxxxxx, (if you have a FWD
account I can call you).
> Andy
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