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Re: Tosh RPTV

Hi Doogie,

If only you could have seen the things I tried!!

Yes, at the moment, it is just balanced there and secured by nothing more
than the force of gravity. It is my ultimate intention to "sling"
the centre
speaker just behind the top edge of the screen, - as you know there is
a steeply raked plastic cover on the back, and not really anywhere to get a
convenient fixing. I have fixed 4 small screw-in eyes into the speaker (the
type used for holding up net curtains), to which I have attached lengths of
small-gauge, but sufficiently strong chain I plan to hopefully also fix a
couple of these small eyes into the rear edge of the cabinet and fix the
chain to it such that the speaker sits on the back cover of the set,
(therefore the speaker will be firing up at a 45-degree angle)

However, in the light of the possibility of wanting to sell the set in 6-8
months, I think I'll hold off on that plan for now... although the holes
produced by the eyes are tiny, it would still mean that I could no longer
describe it accurately as being in perfect factory condition...

Paul G.

>From: Doogie Brodie <ukhad@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Tosh RPTV
>Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 23:46:55 +0100
>Keith Doxey wrote:
> >Picture of aforementioned set can be seen here....
> >
> >
> >
> >... taken whilst staying at the Gordon Intercontinental Hotel for
> >You can also see me in the picture but dont let that put you off
too much
> >:-)
> >
> >
>Paul/ Anyone
>I've got the same TV & was thinking about where the hell to put a
>centre.... I see Paul has it on top of the TV... is it just balanced
>there by bluetak and good intentions, or what?
>I had been thinking about chucking a bit of wood under it to make a
>shelf out over the current TV cabinet, but chucking it on top would be
>much easier :)
>What dimensions are the centre? I'm thinking about a B&W LCR600
which are:-
>Height: 204mm (8in)
>Width: 545mm (21.8in)
>Depth: 311mm (12.2in)
>Net Weight 12.5kg
>Just trying to get a gauge of what other people have managed without
>breaking their beloved TVs/ centre speakers! :D
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