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RE: [OT] Memory Cards

Option 1 sounds best.  I bought a couple of smart media cards last month in
Dallas and they were no cheaper - Best Buy and Lowes are kind of the
Dixons/Comet equivalents (but better), and they were about 10% more
expensive that the UK.  The card readers were way more than the likes of
ebuyer.  Ritz Camera is the mall equivalent of Jessops, and they were a lot
more expensive.  Even the digital cameras were no cheaper at all, but I
didn't look very hard.

>2. Buy them in Dixons at the airport.

Mods - is this type of suggestion allowed?!?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Mc Aree [mailto:michael.mcaree@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 02 May 2003 11:56
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] [OT] Memory Cards

Sorry for the OT post.
I am going to the States in June and want to get some more memory for my
camera. I'm not sure what the best option is. 1. Buy the cards here on

2. Buy them in Dixons at the airport.
3. Buy them when I get to San Francisco.

CF cards are what I am looking for and possibly one Sony Memory Stick. Any



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