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UKHA 2003 Tivo clinic - what is it?


In light of the few questions that have appeared recently about what
will/will not be available, here's my take on the whole thing...

1) - Firstly, it is important to establish that I am by no means a Tivo
expert! - I have only had one since Christmas, I have done a Hard disk and
Turbonet card upgrade precisely once. I do not know Linux at all... I kind
of "fell into" doing the Tivo clinic because I had the hardware
available and "I'm just a girl who can't say no!"...

2) - I have no inclination to spend a great deal of my time at UKHA2003
huddled behind a bench "doing" peoples upgrades for them, -
there's far more
interesting things going on at the meet that I'd rather be involved in! -
plus you guys will get more benefit and "fun" from doing it
believe me... ;-)

3) - My intention is merely to "facilitate" - I will set up a
number of PC's
as Tivo upgrade stations. These will have bootable CDROM drives, with a
of either of the two main boot CD's available. They will have their IDE
channels set up in the optimum configuration for doing the upgrades, and
will be labelled etc. I may well make up some "swap boards" - a
place where
the IDE drives can be quickly & easily located, and supplied with their
power & data cables.

4) - I Plan to pre-produce a number of Tivo images that people can use for
very quick & easy upgrades if they are not fussed about backing up
current recordings & settings. At the very least, I intend to have the
following images available:
a) clean factory image, i.e. before guided setup has been run.
b) clean image *after* guided setup has been run, but with *no* SP's etc
up. I only have Sky Digital as a programme source, so that will most likely
be configured in this image, but that's easy to change afterwards.
c) Clean image with the full turbonet & Tivoweb setup configured &
again with no SP's etc...
NB: - *ALL* the images I produce will be single-drive images only, as that
is what I have... It would be far preferable for people to use these images
if possible, as it will be by far & away the quickest method of walking
with a hard disk that you can just stick back in your Tivo with a
degree of confidence that it will work... (although you will have to re-do
your personal preferences...)

5) - I will print up some step-by step guides, and laminate & bind
them, so
that people can, when it is their "turn" take over their upgrade
and work through the upgrade themselves. - there may well be people on hand
to assist through this process, but as I said, no-one wants to hang around
all the time, missing out on all the good things that will going on
elsewhere at the meet... I'm sure there will be enough Tivo owners around
form a decent body of expertise that can be called upon...

6) - I will facilitate a roster of some kind, so that people can be assured
of getting access to a set of kit.

7) - I will provide a selection of tools - security screwdriver bits,
needlenose pliers etc. that will be needed if people have bought their
entire Tivo with them... - if anyone is anticipating doing memory upgrades
then shout, and I'll bring soldering equipment as well...

People will take complete responsibility for the safety & security of
Tivo kit, and for any work performed on their Tivo.

I hope that makes things a bit clearer, and answers any lingering


Paul G.

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