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Re: Was: UKHA2003 Timetable, now with TiVo bits...

White, Peter wrote:

> I've been sitting on the fence about this as my wife is due on May
18th, so
> my availability may be a bit restricted around that weekend!  However,
> -_really_ want to upgrade my TiVo, and I _really_ don't think I'm up
to it,
> having spent this lunchtime reading the excellent guide.  The first

LOL! If you *really* can't make it due to mitigating circumstances, make
known your rough area of living/ working and someone might volunteer.
(either here or on the Tivo list) Unless you're central belt Scotland I
won't be much use though.... :-)

> Therefore, I'll book for Saturday, and if you could all keep your
> crossed that the pregnancy goes exactly to schedule I'd appreciate it
! ;-)


> 1. Can I tell whether it's a dual or single drive TiVo without taking
> apart?

Some people have had success with prying the plastic front cover off a
bit and looking through the holes.... there's another way though....
reboot, enable backdoors, look through the log files and it'll either
mount one or two discs and display their info in the logs.... it's a
while since I've done that, but will try to post instructions later
tonight, unless anyone beats me to it :)

> 2. If I install the TiVoWeb card, can I still have the updates via the
> up?  No BB here....

Yep, no problem. It's a config option, and you can reconfig it via
telnet whenever you want.

> 3. Does the memory upgrade make a big difference?  IMHO it's (the
> pretty slow at the moment, so if I up the storage I'd hate for it to
> even slower.

Not done it myself, heard mixed results, personally wouldn't bother. I
think the slowness is also partly due to number of season passes and
wishlists.... I've got an obscene amount and my Tivo can be pretty
draggy at times... perhaps a wee cleanout of SPs might help?

> 4. Will the nice people at the TiVo clinic also fit the memory??

Not on my watch! :-D

*Points at Paul Gordon* He's the boss of the Tivo upgrades stall :D -
Paul, any comments on the nasty resoldering upgrades of memory?


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