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RE: Re: VIOP Gateway

ok does this mean that you could use two of these FXO connect your home and office pabx and make them seem as one?

What I mean is that when someone calls the office your home phones ring as
well and vice versa.....and you could pick up a handset from home....dial
the FXO attached line or extension...then dial your office and onward link
to the pstn from there?

Is any/all of this possible? If it is then with a VPN you have total sit at
home but look like you are in the office:)

-----Original Message-----
From: patricklidstone [mailto:patrick@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 01 May 2003 00:08
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: VIOP Gateway

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Ian  Willoughby" <ian@i...> wrote:
> Sir you are a genius!
> This looks like it could fit the bill perfectly, I was looking at
> upgrading to a 2600 router anyway, and I am guessing that the FXS
> facility shouldn't come in too much more expensive (I hope).

And at the other end of the scale, check this out:

Particularly like the idea of a touch colour screen handset. Imagine
the HA possibilities there!


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