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RE: VOIP FXS Gateways that support SIP


Tis true, bleeding edge = high cost.... :(

There are some really cool things you can do with sip though that may help
get it past the *ahem* Finance department...

Since multiple sip phones can be registered with the same address at the
registrar you can have all the sip phones in the house ring when a call
comes  in Setting the 'likelyhood of me being here' or Q value means that
phones will ring in order of the likelyhood of  finding you.. eventually
all phones will be ringing so you can pick up at any location - These
locations can be metres, or kilometers apart. The plus point here can be
that you can have a sip phone in the bedroom with a Q value of 0.1 and it
will be the last to ring, and thus less likely to disturb those sleeping
in, but still ringing just in case of emergencies... What's more with
FXS/FXO gateway combinations added you can have the sip phones ring first
by setting their Q values to 1, set one port on the gateway to a Q value of
say 0.5 and it point at your mobile, making it ring if the sip phones arent

You could truely have a single number as your contact point...that's either
uber kewl or just plain scary, depending on your point of view...

Regardless of whether you want to talk over the net to people, SIP (and
other VOIP) phones allow for much more flexability than the standard phone,
plug them in where YOU like, not BT (et al).


On 30/04/2003 at 20:17 Ian  Willoughby wrote:

>The joy of being bleeding edge!
>Asterix does look interesting, but possibly overkill for such a humble
>task. There on some OpenH323 solutions out there which might do the
>once I have moved in I will start having a play, I still have to get a
>H.323 FXS gateway past the finance committee. I managed to get the PABX
>past on the grounds that it could function as a baby monitor, so maybe
>the FXS gateway could be justified as a remote baby monitor or to check
>on the babysitter hmmm ;-)

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