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Re: [OT] Hard drive opinions?

Thanks Ian, Nice to have a personal opinion...

It's primary use will be a mixture of MP3 files, (avg. about 3MB each), and
ripped DVD's (avg. about 5GB each?).

The maxtor's are 7200rpm drives aren't they? - so one would expect them to
be a bit quicker, but TBH, I've never noticed *any* performance problems
using "mere" 5400rpm drives, and the reduced noise levels are
very noticable
to me, and the reduced heat levels, - especially when I will have 4 drives
stacked in close proximity also strikes me as "a good thing"...

Prolly order one of these up in the next hour or two then...

(Unless someone comes up with something better!...)

Paul G.

>From: "Ian Lowe" <ian@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
>Subject: Re: [ukha_d] [OT] Hard drive opinions?
>Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 14:45:12 +0100
>Yeah, I have one of those in my server: it's taken some abuse, and
>good service. Performance is nice and solid too. The Maxtors I have are
>little bit nippier when you are hitting it with small files, but
>enough, the WD is a bit faster when throwing around big files, like AVI
>tbh, the only hard drives I have really had issues with were Deskstars
>even then, the DTLA307015 I am using in this PC right now has been rock
>solid no matter what I have thrown at it)
>good drive, nice price. :)

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