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RE: Curtain Control

Hi Scot, welcome to our corner of the planet...not sure what planet

I am not familiar with the motors in question but provided they are mains
powered the easiest way is to plug them into an Appliance Module, not
pretty though and not sure how local control might work...

I was using a light sensor for a couple of years but recently ran some CAT5
cable to the front of the house and used 2 of the wires from a relay in my
Home Vision box to the curtain controller then create a scheduled event to
close the relay long enough for the curtains to detect a change and
open/close and that is working fine!



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott @ Mad Dog HQ [mailto:scott@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 29 April 2003 12:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Curtain Control

Hi All,

First post here so be gentle!!

I have bought a couple of Harrison Drape 'Powertrack' curtain motors -
apparently these are no longer manufactured, but they were cheap!

They work with a single button control - push to open, push to close.  Is
there any way of linking these into an X-10 system?

Best wishes,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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