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RE: Sky effing digital :-(

Just read through the various problems and ways of avoiding SKY lock-ups. I
have (possibly) a slightly different problem that someone may be able to
help with.

I get alot of picture break-up, especially on the less popular channels
(e.g. screen freeze every 5-10 minutes). It seems to have got progressively
worse and is now affecting the mainstream channels as well.

For some time now I have put the Grundig digibox in stand-by each night and
also regularly do a full power off, but this has not helped.

I thought it may be something to do with X10 signals at first, but i
carefully watched the Homevision LEDs and SKY - now I don't really think
that X10 is to blame.

Tried Sky Technical Helpline - they don't!! (help that is)

I have thought about trying to re-cable from the dish, but have no idea if
this would help. I have also thought about getting a new digibox, but
worried that the same may happen.

Any other ideas?

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