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RE: Remote control of HCPC (long)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Remote control of HCPC (long)
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 19:12:04 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> On a related topic, I have an old IR keyboard/mouse which is highly
> sensitive to direction and therefore not at all suitable for
> controlling the PC from across the room. There was some talk of a
> wireless keyboard/mouse on here a few weeks back (Gyration?) which I
> believe was RF rather than IR. Is this a good solution and if it is
> RF based, then could I place the receiver inside the case (there is
> lots of room inside) so that I don't see it?

Yes, the Gyration pack is ideal for this application Graham, I have a set
here that I control my server with from my armchair. The mouse can be used
without a desktop at all (free air) and the keyboard is the size of the
average laptop's, so neither are intrusive in the least. The mouse is also
decent enough optical mouse besides that but the free-air thing does take
some getting used to.

It is indeed RF based and has a damn good range on it, even the lower
powered set which, IIRC, claims a 25ft range, would be more than enough if
it's in the same room IMO. Unless of course you win the lottery and get a
house with *really* big rooms, but then I doubt you'd care about it at that
point. ;)

Putting an RF receiver in a metal box and expecting it to work is probably
not gonna work, but as I said the range is fine, it's USB, so just chuck it
round the back and out of sight off one of the rear USB slots, sorted!


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