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Re: dead cm12

On Tue, 22 Apr 2003 15:37:30 +0300, you wrote:

>Did you have some other application/processes using the same COM port?
>Check if your controller software does not work in background..
>Try to open the COM port using Windows Terminal (Hyperterm).... Can you
>the port?
>If there is no COM port available in the list this mean that there is
>ant port available (not used)...
>Which is your operating system?

I don't think the com port is to blame. I have a modem connected to
com1 and the cm12 to com2. They have been working fine like this for
months, so I cannot see why the com port would suddenly fail. The
modem on com1 still works, so I don't think it is a motherboard fault.
Also I'm sure there is a slight burnt smell coming from the cm12 which
makes me believe it is fried. How do I use the windows terminal to
"talk" to the cm12? I am on Win98SE.


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