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RE: Valuations for HA

-----Original Message-----From: Nikola Kasic

I would say that certain aspects have more value then the others. e.g.
structured cabling, so next owner can plug PC or telephone in any room, or
whole house audio, so they can listen music in each room, have some value
because it's more in line with what you can find in luxury homes However,
opening curtains automatically at 7 AM or anouncing who's calling on the
phone over the speakers can scare them off, because it's less
But I don't have much experience in that, so it's worth speaking to some
agents. It's down to the buyer, at the end of the day. Cheers, Nik

I would tend to agree with Nik. I would even go as far as saying if it
completely straight forward to use, directly manufacturer supported and
installed without any great user customisation then it can be a big
negative. Unfortunately anything using diy scripts/macros/integration etc
just too "back box" for most people and would not be perceived as
added-value. Lets face it, most "normal" folk cannot cope with
the video
programming let alone using a PC day to day. Maybe we should start a
UKHA_Homes_for_Sale list instead ;-)


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