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RE: Creating Pronto CCFs

Cant you set one of the colours on the bitmap as transparent so that
anything in the background is displayed through the parts of the bitmap
which are transparent? I do this for the edges of a button. There is an
option to easily set the transparency colour (I think set transparency
to top left corner from memory). This should work for most if not all

Hope this helps..


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Long [mailto:n.long@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 April 2003 20:07
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Creating Pronto CCFs

Hi guys, New member here, so take it easy ok? ;-)

OK, so I've got my RU940 and Pronto Edit. I've been attempting to find
some decent CCFs for Sky Digital (that include channel logos etc), but
to no avail!

Is there an EASIER way to create my own CCFs? Perhaps so i can import
one large bitmap and just say this is where button one is etc. The
problem I've had with Pronto Edit is that whenever I lay a button down,
is obscures what's behind it.

Help would be much appreciated.



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