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Re: Divx vs. DVD - quality shootout?

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Divx vs. DVD - quality shootout?
  • From: "mark_harrison_uk2" <mph@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 20:22:08 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Sorry - should have made clear.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that the outcome will be "There is
one right path and everyone will come over to it"...

... however, I'm guessing that there are enough people who, like me,
are interested in treating movies like we already treat music, and
would like to see the options in action first-hand.



--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "mark_harrison_uk2" <mph@a...>
> Well, given that the "MP3 player quality shoot-out" proposal
> have attracted some interest, how about a "Video shoot-out".
> - a real DVD, on a real DVD player
> - a real DVD, replayed through a suitable PC from a DVD-ROM drive
> - a "ripped to disk DVD", through a suitable PC from HDD
> - a "rippted to disk and Divxed DVD", through a suitable PC
from HDD
> Anyone willing / able to provide the necessary kit?
> I would suggest that, in the interests of fairness we choose a
> DVD movie, that we can all agree is well-mastered, and the various
> camps rip in advance, so that the proponents of the various ripping
> formats can choose whatever settings they consider are the best
> quality-wise.
> There is, as we know, going to be a reasonable quality sound system
> there for the MP3 players and the xAP demo. I'm sure someone can
> rustle up a reasonably good video projector.
> Interested?
> If so, what film(s) would you recomend as being a good showcase?
> Regards,
> Mark

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