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RE: Microphones

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Microphones
  • From: "Nikola Kasic" <nikola@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2003 16:42:04 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

And if I want to connect single one to the PC without mixer, what do I

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Robinson [mailto:ukcueman@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 14 March 2003 16:17
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Microphones

Thanks for the pics :-)

What are the technical limitations for HA voice recognition? I've not
been able to come by much on
this subject. What do you find you use the mics for?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" <groups@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Microphones

I got mine a bit cheaper than that from a local professional audio
supplier. You could try having a
search, I think they're reasonably widely available but would normally
ship to order. I've not heard
of any other mic that's suitable so far (not many people use HA voice
recognition as it's still
limited technically). I also use a Shure automatic, intelligent mic
mixer (quite expensive though)
to feed 8 (from memory) sources into my HA server sound card. These mics
are very good - they're
designed to pickup voice frequencies and roll off lower frequency
interference such as HVAC.

The crown mics are a US design and so fit a standard US 'J' box (single
gang). These are pretty much
impossible to come by in the UK through normal 'Electrical Wholesalers'
etc but the likes of
LetsAutomate and certainly Laser do them. You could also screw them
directly to the wall given a
suitable size cutout for the box on the back of the plate.

I've put a few pics on my gallery for you:


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Robinson [mailto:ukcueman@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 14 March 2003 15:12
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Microphones

Thanks Paul...I see LA sell the PZM11's for =A370+VAT. Are they worth the
money? Are there any other
UK distributors? What sort of back-box do they fit in to?

Does anybody use any other sort of microphone?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul" <groups@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Microphones

> I've got Crown PZM-11's all around the house. They are a boundary mic
> suitable for this kind of use. You should definitely wall mount them
> (not ceiling) and use a mic cable (balanced). Shure have some good
> Look at:
> Paul.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Robinson [mailto:ukcueman@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 14 March 2003 14:02
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [ukha_d] Microphones
> What sort of microphones do people here use for voice activated HA?
> Where would you mount them -
> wall, ceiling or other?
> What sort of cable should be used for this?
> Paul
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