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RE: Anyone automated a cooker timer?

Just a thought but could you use the current that is drawn in the suppy
lead to 'induce' a current in another lead. I am sorry if that is not
explained well but it has been a while since I id A-Level physics

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Watt [mailto:kwatt@xxxxxxx]=20
Sent: 06 March 2003 16:19
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Anyone automated a cooker timer?

> Could you implement the timer function outside the cooker such that an

> external device e.g. Homevision etc. does the timing function and
> the announcement ? Alternatively, find a device that will set an
output on
> expiration of the timer and interface it to one of the doorbell or
> inputs on your Kustom unit ?

The problem is not a programming one, more how to integrate with a timer
*THAT SWITCHES MAIN CURRENT* and one of heat! If the cable to connect
touches the oven casing that casing will regularly hit 200C and in a
pyro oven go a hell of a lot higher than that.

Trust me, I've thought about it as I cook, use the timer an awful lot
and have HV but there is no *safe* way to do this TBH. I would love to
do it but I'm not prepared to risk it.

Another thing to bear in mind is that no manufacturer supplies any
internal spares for clock/timer units so if you blow it start counting
at about =A380-90 for a new one and it only gets worse from there!

If you do go tampering with the clock, don't say I didn't warn you! ;)

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